students in
Grades 1-3!
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Sunrise is currently enrolling students in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade!

Click here to book an Open House session!

Click here to learn more about our tuition assistance program!

A bilingual elementary
school where kids can...
Explore fearlessly.
Learn enthusiastically.
Accompanying every child to “Arouse” “Apply” and “Aspire”
Arouse: students are motivated to regulate their own learning.
Apply: students utilize their knowledge to solve real life problems.
Aspire: in a welcoming space, students are inspired to create a better future.
Our Six Highlights
Student Agency
By learning from mistakes, setting goals, and using various strategies, students become masters of their own education.
Led By Curiosity
Our goal is to cultivate students' natural interests and unique abilities through projects that extend across content areas.
Whole Child
Students will discover their purpose and value, regulate their emotions, and create a healthy balance in their lives.
Global Lens
Our bilingual curriculum opens the door to diverse cultures and fosters global-minded citizens.
Time to Process
Students have opportunities to express their feelings, and reflect on their progress and learning at various times in the school day.
Outdoor Adventures
We aim to show students that learning can happen anywhere and be applied everywhere. It's not confined to the classroom.
Our School Surroundings
Sunrise School is conveniently located just a 3-minute walk from Wende MRT Station. Our prime area features parks, libraries, hiking trails, museums, etc. We chose this location to provide an ideal learning environment with bountiful resources for every child that enrolls in Sunrise School.
Want to learn more about Sunrise School? We have upcoming Open House dates in Chinese (中文場). Sign up below.

You can also click on "Contact Us" to schedule a date and time to visit. We look forward to meeting you!
Want to learn more about Sunrise School? We have upcoming Open House dates in English. Sign up below.

You can also click on "Contact Us" to schedule a date and time to visit. We look forward to meeting you!
Want to learn more about Sunrise School? We have upcoming Open House dates in Chinese (中文場). Sign up below.

You can also click on "Contact Us" to schedule a date and time to visit. We look forward to meeting you!
Sign up!
Want to learn more about Sunrise School? We have upcoming Open House dates in English. Sign up below.

You can also click on "Contact Us" to schedule a date and time to visit. We look forward to meeting you!
Sign up!